Thursday, May 8, 2008

I still love Robert Downey Jr.

So I was in about sixth grade and ironically, taking a DARE class, when I first heard about the movie, Less Than Zero. I don't think I saw it all the way through, but I knew it had that cute Robert Downey Jr. in it and I thought he looked so good. I already knew who he was and considered him to be underrated, though as an oldest daughter with parents who shielded me from any R rated movie, I hadn't seen many of his films. I am pretty sure I caught Weird Science or The Pick Up Artist on HBO once or twice and noticed his charm there, and after watching Back To School (hilarious movie, BTW) over and over, I definitely had a crush on this guy. Anyway, I am rambling on. Less Than Zero put Robert Downey Jr. in the spotlight and I remember just thinking he was the coolest actor evah from then on.

Then he had those crazy arrests in the late 90's through 2001, remember? Didn't he get high and wander into someone's home? I vividly remember his mug shot shown everywhere, even on a local radio talk show billboard labeling him a "loser" for some related promotion, and that televised courtroom plea to a judge where he said, "It's like I have a loaded gun in my mouth and my finger's on the trigger, and I like the taste of the gunmetal". --Thanks Wikipedia, . It was heartbreaking! Oh yeah, and he was on Ally McBeal! I totally loved that! However, I recall feeling like there was no way Hollywood should turn their back on this guy, he seemed like the type who was really humble and vulnerable underneat, so as a fan, in his corner.

Which brings me to today. Now he has been successfully beating his addictions for several years and is back in the buzz. I have seen Downey Jr in the press circuit for the past couple of weeks promoting Iron Man and I have to say, he's even better! Still totally adorable, so my speed, cooler than ever. IMO, this is the cutest guy in Hollywood. I usually can't stand hero action movies, but this one I will see!

1 comment:

Leanna said...

Just wanted to let you know...I'm still reading...though I'm slacking out majorly on the commenting! (hugs)